Fort Worth, Texas and Destination photographer Est. 2014
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Tennessee Lovin’ | Family Vacation 2016
July 17, 2016
One of my most favorite places in the whole world is a little town right outside of Nashville, Tennessee. To be more specific, it’s home to my grandparents and most of my mom’s side of the family. The last few times my husband and I have been able to visit it’s usually during the holiday time when it’s cold outside and there’s a house full of family. We don’t get out much during those times because we spend the week playing games like Nertz or Catan, eating…lots of eating…and just resting. We may go out for a family movie night or do a little shopping, but for the most part we hang around our grandparents’ home. But for this trip we came in the summer time and instead of a house full there were just a few of us – so we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and did a lot of exploring in this beautiful city! We visited a lake, took a trip to Franklin, visited the Bluebird Cafe and took a stroll through downtown Nashville, cruised with our grandpa in his classic Chevy station wagon, and ended the week by celebrating our country’s birthday! We had such a good time and I loved capturing just some (sometimes you need to see the world with both eyes) of our week!